Monday 1 November 2010

The iphone has a bug in its clock

An iPhone bug already seen when Australia switched between Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time a few weeks ago has now hit Europe. Twitter is alight with reports of recurring iPhone alarms going off an hour later than usual. So even though the iOS clock changed correctly over the weekend, the alarm did not. Thing is, according to a ZDNet Australia report from more than three weeks ago, Apple acknowledged the bug with a promise to fix it with a software update. So why wasn't it rolled out in time to avoid this mess in Europe? Let's see if Apple fixes it when North America makes the switch on November 7th.


  1. thats what happens when they rush iphone updates out. badly programmed and tested. still to the jailbreak its free and never fails

    post on my blog:

  2. yep the jailbreak does it all :) they should have implemented it straight from apple not third-parti programmers/ hackers
